Pass your Life in the UK Exam! Study the 600 real like questions and answers to pass the test! Fast. Free. Easy.

What is the UK

Which of these islands have links to the UK but are not part of it?

Question 1 of 6

Which of these countries in the UK does not have their own parliament?

Question 2 of 6

How much of Ireland is in the UK?

Question 3 of 6

Which three countries make up Great Britain?

Question 4 of 6

How many countries make up the UK?

Question 5 of 6

If someone is "British", they come from anywhere in the UK except…?

Question 6 of 6



Could You Pass The Life in The UK Exam?

Planning a move to the UK and ready to be a permanent citizen? Whether planning to take up residency in England, Ireland, Whales, or Northern Ireland, you must pass the UK Citizenship Test, or Life in the UK test, to make it official. Here’s a little useful information to help you decide if it’s right for you and what you need to know.

Booking the test

Scheduling a time to take the test is simple. Just go onto the official site at least 3 days in advance of your desired testing date and book a time and location. There are more than 30 testing centers in the nation for you to choose from, so logistics should be fairly easy. The cost of the test is 50 Euros. At the time of booking, you will need an email address, valid credit or debit card, and an acceptable form of ID. Acceptable forms of ID include a valid passport, valid travel document with photo, biometric residence permit or biometric residence card.

What you need when you show up

In order to take the UK Citizenship Test, you will need to present the same form of valid ID that you used during booking when you arrive at the testing center.

The test

The Life in the UK test consists of 24 randomly chosen questions based on information contained in the Life in the United Kingdom handbook. You will have 45 minutes to complete your testing. You cannot bring anyone else with you to your test. If you refuse to bring your valid ID or refuse to allow a photograph of you, you will not be able to take the test.

Life in the UK exam

Cancelations and Refunds

If you are unable to keep your scheduled testing time, you must go online to cancel. If you cancel at least 3 days in advance, you will be eligible for a refund. If for any reason you cancel the test with less than three days’ notice, you will not receive any refund. To cancel your test, use the same website you used for booking and follow the prompts.